Get Energized

What if you could get energized for your day?

Tired of feeling sluggish? Get energized for your day!

I can help you with that. Here’s what to do next!

Start your movement routine. rebalance & rejuvenate. Get fit. Feel fabulous & energized for your day!

  1. Not sure where to begin with getting your fitness journey in order? Get our Moving with Grace for Life Starter Guide and you’ll be motivated to start moving.
  2. Need help right now? Join the Grace-Filled Movement Facebook private group and add movement to your fitness journey.
  3. Join me for Workout Classes available online. Sign up HERE!
  4. Workout with me LIVE? I do LIVE Essentrics full-body rebalancing workouts. Get on board – SCHEDULE RIGHT HERE

Have You Been Moving?

Our FREE Facebook community is the perfect place to ask questions, get tips, find mini-workouts to start your day right, and a great space to see if Grace-Filled Movement is the right fit for you!!

By the time you’re thirty, your bone density peaks and starts declining along with muscle mass. That’s not good to hear.

Never fear if you’ve not been moving much for a long time. If you start gentle workouts today, you can get your mobility back!

Your mobility and stability are the most important aspects of rebalancing & rejuvenating your body even when you’re thirty or added a few more candles to your cake.

You’re amazing!

You’ve got this, girl!!

Why Should You Add Movement?

Why on earth should you add movement to your day?

If you’re like most adults, you sit for more than eight hours a day! Unless you’re chasing an active toddler, you probably sit too much!

While it’s great to sit and rest now and then, the truth is, it’s good to get moving a little more often.

Living a sedentary lifestyle will backfire in the long run. So whether you are going on 30 or in your 60s, let’s get moving with grace for life!

Here are SEVEN REASONS WHY adding movement into your day is the BEST IDEA EVER:

  1. Sharper memory and thinking!
  2. Weight loss and maintenance!
  3. Increased energy!
  4. Improved sleep!
  5. Healthier muscles and bones!
  6. Less pain!
  7. Better mood!

Try out easy movement at home working out with me!

rebalance & rejuvenate

Energizing Workouts

for All Fitness Levels

Renew your body and mind for God’s glory. If you want to live your best life after 40, including movement each day is key. Our workouts and Bible studies will equip and energize you to do all the things God has for you!