Rebalance As You Workout

Do you want to rebalance and rejuvenate your body?

If you feel sluggish and stiff from being sedentary for far too long, maybe it’s the right time to begin a new routine.

I’m inviting you to workout with me.

You’ll be more energized as you find it easier to live the one life you’ve been given.

As women, our hormones affect so much of how we live life. Our bodies start losing bone density and muscle mass by age thirty.

If you ignore the needs of your body as the decades and candles are added to your cake, the subtle changes might go unnoticed until you find it difficult to get down on the floor to play with your children or grandkids.

Are you tired of living life to the fullest?

Have you been ignoring your body and not taking the time to care for it?

It usually isn’t too late whether you’re still thirty or seventy!

Most of the time, simple movement that you give your body will start to repair so much of what you lost.

It’s NEVER too late!

You’re NEVER too old!

Any movement is better than NO movement!

You can do this!

You’ve got this covered if you start a daily habit of movement for just 15 minutes a day. Even five minutes of intentional daily movement to rebalance your body is better than nothing.

Fearfully & Wonderfully Made

Do you fill your head with criticism about your beautiful body?

God gave you the hair on your head (thick or thin, blond or red) and the bone structure that causes you to be short or tall.

Too often we reject ourselves with thoughts (that turn into words or actions) on how we don’t like different aspects and characteristics that make up who you are.

I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made.
Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well. Psalm 139:14

It boils down to what makes up YOU as the daughter of the King.

No matter what anyone has told you, you are beautiful just as you are. The sooner you accept yourself, the sooner it will be easier to start loving those around you.

Have you been irritable?

Have you been short in your words to your family?

It doesn’t have to be this way if you surrender who you are to Jesus and ask Him to start working in your life. Jesus loves when we desire to go deeper in our relationship with Him.

Rebalance & Rejuvenate As You Workout!

What if you could rebalance and rejuvenate your body as you workout? There is only one way to find if this will work for you!

God has placed in my heart a passion to encourage women to add some movement to their day.

Would that be you?

So many women struggle and think they are all alone in their difficulties. There is usually another woman with troubles too.

I’m here to help.

Through devotionals and Bible journaling, you can get your heart back on track with Jesus. This is rebalancing spiritually.

Through workouts, you can get the rest of your day moving smoothly because movement helps you rebalance physically.

When you rebalance yourself spiritually and physically a unique thing starts to happen. It rejuvenates or makes over your soul as God starts works in your heart. Once you start feeling better physically, you’re more apt to intentionally and effectually live out God’s calling.

When you can move with greater ease, it gives a wonderful feeling of rebalance to your body. I’m not going to tell you that this will make you younger because the fact is, each day we are aging. It will allow you to do what you’re called to do.

I’d love to have you join me. Let’s workout together!

rebalance & rejuvenate

Energizing Workouts

for All Fitness Levels

Renew your body and mind for God’s glory. If you want to live your best life after 40, including movement each day is key. Our workouts and Bible studies will equip and energize you to do all the things God has for you!