On-Demand Membership

Tired of lacking the energy and motivation to get through your day? Turn that around by including 15-30 minutes of movement several times each week.

What could be better than adding movement to your day without ever leaving your home? If you go to a gym, it would take a couple of hours out of your day. By the time you got back to whatever you needed to do, your morning would be shot!

When you workout with me, all you have to do is turn on your device and login into your account. That’s it!

When you join my Grace-Filled Movement’s On-Demand Membership you can workout to your heart’s content. You can replay as many videos as you’d like to workout with me!!

rebalance & rejuvenate

Essentrics LIVE Workouts

There is something about a LIVE workout that helps you feel that we are really exercising together. That’s because we are!

  • Rebalance & Rejuvenate as you Renew your body and soul!
  • Connect with me in a group Zoom workout!
  • Experience the amazing strengthening and stretching that only an Essentrics workout can do!
check it out
Mini Standing Workout

Why Workout with Me?

Live in a balanced body

Transform your body and lifestyle into one where movement is part of each day! You’ll be glad you did!

Stretching & Lengthening

Decrease the feeling of stiffness and increase your flexibility as you include movement in your day!

Improve your posture

Posture is essential to your overall health. Regular exercise improves your posture and health!

move your Bones & joints

Get moving your bones and joints so they are aligned. Your movements will become easier as you workout!

Get your feet moving

Your ankles and feet hold the weight of your whole body. Working your feet is ultra important!

Move your fascia daily

Moving and hydrating your fascia has a LOT to do with mobility. Dried fascia immobilizes your mobility!

Frequently Asked Questions

To set up an account click on the button at the top or bottom of this page (or in other places on this site) and choose to join the On Demand Membership for Grace-Filled Movement. Then, register your information. It’s as simple as that. Once you have an account, you can put it into the Menu tab (or folder) at the top of your computer/device. Whenever you want to workout with me, simply visit the Arketa platform where the video library is located.

You’ll find a few short videos in the Jumpstart Plan and possibly in a few other locations. BUT IT you’d like new workouts and ones that vary in length, joining the Grace-Filled Movement Membership for On Demand videos will be the best thing for you.

You can get various workout equipment (or similar) as used in the videos in our online store. You can find the Store in the top menu on this site. It will take you to Amazon where you can purchase the item or something similar to your liking. Anything you purchase by following the link in a very small way helps to support Grace-Filled Movement. Thank you!

We highly recommend starting with the 5-day “Jumpstart Plan”. It’s available on the top menu of this site but the best way is to get the links through emails delivered right to your inbox. You’ll get extra tips that way. Starting with the Jumpstart Plan gives you the benefit of setting yourself up for success because you’ll be given tips for healthy changes.

Journaling Workbooks for Your Quiet Time

Your Quiet Time sets your day in motion when you spend it with Jesus. Here are three of our Journaling Workbooks and the Grace-Filled Movement Course to change the way you show up in your world. Follow the links below to be taken to a page where you’ll LEARN MORE. All you have to do is take a look and then decide whether any of these are a fit for you.

You ARE Enough Journaling Workbook


Knowing Jesus Better Journaling Workbook


Gratitude Journaling Workbook


Grace Filled Living School

Do you struggle with identity?

YES! I’m READY to UPLEVEL My Movement Journey!